Clean Water Technology, Inc. is the leader in solid/liquid separation technologies. Their wide variety of patented technologies introduce novel concepts in mixing flocculation and flotation, the implementation of cutting-edge biological reduction technologies and a complete array of robust waste water system peripherals wich include screen filtration and automated chemical delivery systems.
- Primary Treatment: CWT´s GEM System offers the new technology of wastewater industry over traditional DAF systems, usinfg a smaller footprint, less chemical and providing dier sludge for the purpose of eliminating suspended solids through a physical-chemical process that separates suspended soloids, fats and oils. It will decrease the DQO and DBO associated with the solids.
- Secondary Treatment: CWT provides biological quality products for biological treatment, including MBBRs, MBRs, Anaerobic Systems and SBRs whose target is to biodegrade the organic matter and to eliminate nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) by means of the use of microorganisms and a favorable environment for its generation and regeneration.
- Terciary Treatment: CWT provides treatment systems for applications requiring a high degree of contaminant removal in orderto reuse water or eliminate residual organic matter not eliminated by prior treatments either by the water´s burden to be treated or by a demanding dumping limit.
For further information, visit their web here.